
Fernie BC Timber Frame: Shell Completed

Posted by: Alfred Horie Construction | Posted on: January 21st, 2013 | 1 Comments


Fernie Timber Frame – Now Enclosed!

AHC Group’s Fernie crew worked tirelessly through the month of December during what felt like the record month of snowfall!

From the starting week near the end of November, the crew was able to complete the lock up over the holiday period. This unique and very detailed home has some very unique characteristics and lines that most homes do not have. To be able to get this home enclosed in a matter of weeks, which is fully insulated, is a true benefit of assembling the shell with pre-fabricated SIPS (Structural Insulated Panels). Time saved framing on site, cutting, ordering wood, getting insulation delivered and installed, trying to vapour barrier in the cold, etc, etc – we’re confident we are saving the home owner money while they get a superior energy efficient home that will save them energy costs in the future.

Our crew is now busy with the details on the inside of the home, setting up the electrical and plumbing rough in’s, some framing of fireplaces, and so on.

The exterior cladding will start shortly with windows to be installed at the same time.

This BLOG will move to a monthly update to monitor this homes to its completion.

Have a Great 2013!

  1. Adam - Reply
    January 22, 2013

    Wow. You guys are amazing. ;o)

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